Tag Archive | "tips"

Eco-Friendly Office Design Tips for Increased Productivity

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Americans spend more time at work than they do at home, and the office environment is utterly tied to worker efficiency and productivity. But with today’s environmentally-conscious design and construction environments, it’s not enough to simply build an office the cheapest or easiest way possible. It’s also important to think ‘green’, focusing on the footprint […]

Office Design Tips for Increased Productivity

Thursday, March 1, 2012


There probably aren’t a lot of people who think of their office as a “home away from home”. When it comes to being productive at the work place, there may be some pros to that. After all, when you’re on the job, that’s not the time to lay out on your desk while checking out […]

Healthcare Savings Tips for Small Business Owners

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Small businesses have a lot to deal with. There are taxes, keeping up with the competition, making sure their supplies meet their clientele’s demands and, of course, they have to concentrate on doing all that they can to keep their company in the black. They also have to be sure to do what they can […]

Encouraging Your Workforce to Go Green

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


When it comes to environmentalism and conservation, many feel that humans pose a very real threat to the future of our planet and the ability of our own species to survive. Most people are content to make individual efforts along the lines of green living, changing their own habits in order to effect change. They […]