Tag Archive | "mobile"

The Best Eco-Friendly Business Apps

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Let’s just begin by saying that most apps you can use for business are eco-friendly right from the get-go because they don’t require you to use paper, thus denuding more forested land. So any time you open your calendar, day planner, or project manager, remember that you’re not contributing to deforestation and give yourself a […]

Five Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Mobile App

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Marketing trends can be a tricky thing for small businesses to navigate. On one hand, you don’t want to be suckered into a costly fad strategy that’s going to leave your business broke and ineffectively marketed. On the other hand, you don’t want to miss the bus on the next technology-driven leap forward in your […]

Tech Products and Accessories for the Green Professional

Monday, June 18, 2012

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Today’s professional spends much more time working with technology than getting their hands dirty. It’s a simple side effect of the information age. The business world runs off of computers, cloud technology, smartphones and data processing centers, and the savvy professional has a wide array of tech products and gadgets at his disposal to navigate […]